Digital Photo Upload/stationer Requirements/william Arthur
Digital Photo Upload
William Arthur

Please upload your original photo as a JPEG, TIF, EPS or PDF with a minimum Resolution of 300 DPI. For digital cameras, the Quality Setting should be set at 7 or higher. Please be sure that the photo size is larger than the final printed photo area on the card to allow for placement and possible cropping. If you have any special requests regarding Image Cropping, please provide this information to us in “Special Instructions”.
Depending on the nature of your photo and the type of paper used, printed photos may have color variations from the original digital file.
TIP: Please consider how your image orientation corresponds to the overall card orientation. A vertical photo will look best in a vertical layout and a horizontal photo will be best suited for a horizontal layout.
PLEASE NOTE: Photos taken by professional photographers require consent before printing. Upon submission of your order, you represent to that you either own the image or that you have permission from the copyright holder.